Thanksgiving: my holiday

Most people just can't accept the way I choose to celebrate Thanksgiving.  For some it's nearly painful for them to hear my plans for the day.  I receive many offers to join others who are celebrating in a more "traditional" manner and always have people offer to "bring a plate over".

But I have NO interest in the traditional turkey day fare unless it includes THIS:

1. stay in pjs
2. listen to Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant
3. play and craft
4. watch the dog show
5. sip mimosa
4. later in the afternoon: excellent cheese and wine + an assortment of my favorite foods
5. more afternoon play + craft
6. favorite holiday movies

Perfect holiday tradition (for me).  It's THE ABSOLUTE BEST WAY to kick off the hustle and bustle of the holiday season,  I am already squealing with delight in anticipation.

ENJOY yours!

For more posts on being an introvert, visit these:
the responsibility of being authentic
me, the INFJ
an introvert's guide to holidays: here 
quiet influence, a quiz


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