CELLO in August

Thank you to EVERYONE who made the trek out to 2 West Main on Friday night (and all those who were there in spirit). 

Nelda (and her team @cello_bozeman + Steve!) were fantastic hosts and Peter + I felt very supported + appreciated. 

If you weren’t able to make the event on Friday and you are local, I hope you will be able to visit over the next few weeks! I’d love to hear from you personally, if you do. Also, if I met you for the first time on Friday, I hope you’ll send me a DM so we can stay connected. Look for Let’s Get Together in the window or as Peter titled when wrapping my paintings in preparation for transport: “I think it’s three bison in a group being friendly + loving?” 
Yes, it is, Peter💛

Thank you for the photos, Debra Hobbs and @cello_bozeman 

We look forward to making the trip again soon!

📸 credit: Debra Hobbs

📸 credit: Debra Hobbs

📸 credit: Debra Hobbs

how it started

Packing up to make the drive ➡️ Theodore Roosevelt National Park ➡️ Chico Hot Springs ➡️ CELLO

how it finished

On our way back to Chico Hot Springs 
from the opening reception. US highway 89

View MORE images from our road trip HERE, HERE, and HERE



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