there must be rabbits

These written words by David Shrigley did save several of my art lives.  
There is no better way to describe my creative cycle.

I've been staring at blank canvases for several months (which doesn't change the "there is nothing" phase, in case you wondered) and wondering when the next cow (since Bernadette) is and where. I've been visiting cows and making friends in the fields with every chance I get so it came as a big surprise to me when these started happening...


The subject of this work isn't really that out of the blue.  Tucker, our dwarf rabbit, moved in with us over two years ago and he brings so much personality to the table.  What is a surprise to me is my process and medium.  With small reserves of energy, I have taken to playing with watercolors, pencils and markers while being anywhere but in my studio.  I feel fortunate I have windows of time to honor this new momentum.  As a working artist, I need to embrace the "there is something" phase and not lose faith when the "then there is nothing again" returns.  This has always been my creative cycle.

Before the rabbits make their way to a gallery near you, you can view these and more here and here.


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