17 fantastic days of holiday with MORE to come

I feel like I just got knocked upside the head.  I definitely had an "ah-ha" moment.

I have thoroughly been enjoying the holiday season.
It started for me on the eve of Thanksgiving and it hasn't stopped.

I am kind of astonished, actually, and wonder what is different.  Well, I am different.  Fortunately I am part of the movement where life just keeps getting better and better.

But, seriously, I was wondering...
And then it hit me...

I am not a teacher this December.  Sure, I wasn't a teacher last December either but the idea of NOT being a teacher was still a fairly new concept then.

What is different this year is that I have LIVED the holidays.  I haven't run myself ragged in a profession that doesn't suit my personality.  In that story, any "celebrating" just wore me out more.  And then on December 23 (when the winter break from school usually began) was when I ran on adreneline, attempting to launch myself through the holidays complete with a big collapse at the end.  This was followed by knowing that I would have to make every effort to rehabilitate before my break was over.  This meant any other celebrating needed to be kept at a minimal.  Recovery was a necessity.

Why live like that?  Believe me, I ask myself this question all the time.  NOW.  Not then.  "Then" I was too busy surviving to have any energy or inspiration of how to get...out...

I won't go into the details of how I have celebrated the season already.  These events would probably bore you.    That's not the point of this post anyway.  The point is I AM LIVING.  Everyday.  NOW.  Even as I type this, I am tapping my toes to the Christmas music I have playing throughout our house.

Thank you.  More please!

May you all be able to LIVE this day, to tap your toes THIS day.
I am telling you.  There is nothing better.

The Happiest of Holidays to you all, my friends!

I am in the process of publishing a winter journal I kept in a full time teaching profession, while attempting to live a creative life.  This will be in the form of an e-book and be available on my blog soon.  You can read the forward to this journal here.


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