pep talk

This is the pep talk CREATIVES receive after enrolling in my create everyday online class.

Welcome to CREATE EVERY DAY!  
Yay, you made it.  
You got THIS far.  

Before we launch into this new creative endeavor together, I have a little pep talk for you.

First of all, you have already done something BIG.  You have put an intention "out there" that you are interested in broadening another aspect of your life.  

Try not to shoulder shrug this.  
So many people have difficulty getting HERE.  
Congratulations.  You are HERE.

Second: There is a possibility that you may sweetly sing through these five days, enjoying every minute
AND there is a stronger possibility that, ALL OF THE SUDDEN, 
you will want to grumble at the exercise 
the demands of the rest of your life will suddenly seem to want to tug harder and pull you away from 30 minutes a day this week. 

Just keep going on, trying your best.  

This "struggle" is just the "push back" from setting a new intention.  This sort of thing happens ALL THE TIME.  It's that typical thing that happens when we try to incorporate something new into our lives.  Trust me.  You will have already set a stronger intention if you set aside 30 min a day for THIS.  You actually don't even have to do the exercise (although we all hope you will).  The most powerful part of this is just setting aside the 30 min a day.  Got it? 
I'd be happy to elaborate if you need me to.  I could talk about this FOREVER. 

Third: Don't analyze it.  Just do it.  Be a beginner.  SERIOUSLY. 
You will reap SO MANY MORE benefits by just pretending you are 6 years old.  REALLY.  This is absolutely true in EVERY WAY.  Just play.  If you allow yourself to play, you'll notice the world starts to look differently and I think you'll like it's new perspective.

Fourth: try to post your work on the flickr site if you have the means to do so.  This is another form of putting your intention "out there".  WHATEVER it is or WHATEVER it looks like is what it is and is helpful to others (AND YOU) in the group REGARDLESS.  Believe me, instead of another member wanting to critique you, they are just going to be inspired that you showed up for yourself (and, for them), did the exercise to the best of your ability and then POSTED IT!  Trust me (again).  OK?

Fifth (and last, FOR NOW): try to read about the exercise in the early am before you start your day.  It's important to give the exercise time to marinate.  You may experience it evolving over time and this will be very helpful to your process.

Alright! Onward and upward!

I look forward to "seeing" you 
(check your in-box)!

 © kari maxwell, create everyday

Read another pep talk for the Creative Commitment Challenge workshop
