leg crushed and then eaten by a mutated boa constrictor?

whoop! whoop! 24x18, acrylic on canvas

One of my go-to books as a creative is Neil Gaiman's book, A View From the Cheap Seats.  Sometimes, I listen to the audio book on repeat, especially the chapter titled, Make Good Art.

Gaiman shares that this chapter was originally a commencement speech.  You can access it here:

I read/hear the opening, "Husband runs off with a politician?  Make good art.  Leg crushed and then eaten by a mutated boa constrictor? Make good art.  IRS on your trail? Make good art."

It has been a practice for me for MANY years (decades, actually) to show up for my art regardless of how I feel about it (this can be a toss up on any given day) and with this consistent practice, I have learned to trust my discipline. 

Where I have had to stretch this week, or where I still need practice is with my mind. That is, acknowledging the boa constrictor and yes, doing what I can about it but not letting the boa constrictor consume me.  Turning this part off (literally until 3pm when I am sure to be done with my studio work for the day) and then, doing what I can at 3 but then also letting it go (again) so I can set myself up successfully for another day of studio work.  

The boa constrictor does NOT get my primary energy/focus (see previous post: creative energy gets spent first).  

This metaphoric boa constrictor can take many forms.  If I told you what mine was right now, you might even panic for me.  This one is fierce and feels like I should be fighting it 24 hours a day until there is resolution (which is something I would have acted upon in the past).  But, again, this is not about action.  I have much more confidence in the habit of action  

This week I am practicing showing up with a clear mind, balanced emotion and a hopeful spirit in the midst of the mutated boa constrictor.

(untitled, snow geese migration), 40x30,
acrylic on canvas

By the way, what if you don't think you can make good art? Making art on the regular is what makes good art.  JUST MAKE ART. 


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