art never expires

I rarely post sold paintings here but this rabbit just sold yesterday and I painted him in 2015. He’s been in SEVERAL exhibits patiently waiting for his right person. It turns out this painting’s “right” person rescues rabbits. Can you imagine a better home? For The Guardian?

Art NEVER expires. Isn’t that a refreshing thought? It just patiently waits. I remember a gallery owner, once, having the same painting for years! It was custom practice for me to switch in/out paintings if I thought they were sitting somewhere too long. Well, this particular gallery owner never wanted to do this and ended up selling some of my work after years of practicing patience. He would say to me, “See? I knew I could find the right person.”. He was a gem. 

SO GRATEFUL to so many who believed in me, supported me, trusted me and taught me along the way. Forever and ever. ❌⭕️


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