ignite INICIO

One simple creative act can shift perspectives, heighten frequencies, be the catalyst for hope. It can create bonds between people who feel at a loss for words or isolated by their own challenges.
I am going to be sending #snailmail to five people starting tomorrow. What I would love to do is enclose one different name + mailing address of someone else in each envelope. I was thinking this might possibly prompt the five recipients of my mail to do the same (send snail mail to the name + address I have enclosed in addition to four others, while asking permission to enclose 5 different names+mailing addresses in each of their parcels).

Just like the other creative commitments I’ve designed over the last eight years or so, my motives here are the same. I need a simple, creative focus that will keep me engaged, inspired and connected. I need more opportunities to experience HOPE.

Are you interested in participating? Perfectionists need not apply. Sorry, I know perfectionism gets the best of us but it won’t work here. Perfectionism stalls us out and what’s important is to get our heads out and our hearts in. And I think time is of the essence when considering creating a shift (in consciousness). If you believe you can commit to sending out 5 standard envelopes (that only require one regular postage stamp) and include in each an inspirational quote, tiny painting you already have sitting around, a photograph, a clipping, a poem (basically something you have already created or a creation that inspires you) AND you feel you can ask permission of others  to include one name+address of another in each envelope, let me know.

If this ball rolls, I have a vision of us posting photos of what we receive using the hashtag #igniteINICIO (INICIO being “I inspire, infuse, cause”). In this way, we can all continue to experience the ripple effects of a small, simple, creative act. WHO. IS. IN?


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