Emily Dickinson, non dominant hand portrait

When I am worn out (more emotionally than physically), I have a tendency to start to want to control.  I become tighter and my critical voice is in full force.

On Monday, I set out to paint Emily Dickinson.  I am not necessarily a fan but Jen was.  And this connection makes perfect sense.  Although I don't know much about Dickinson, I have a sense she was a romantic, poised and proper, that she carried a sense of simplicity while being profound in nature. I definitely get a sense of eloquence.  No wonder Jen felt an attachment.  These qualities were also at her essence.

Monday's attempt at Dickinson's portrait subsequently created this result (see image below).  I cringe just seeing it here.  Read about the angst I experienced when painting this  HERE.

Today I remembered the practice of drawing and painting with the non dominant hand.  Although I still don't feel like I've caught up with myself, with this practice, control and criticism can take a rest on the back burner.  The result of this practice is posted at the top.

As an artist, I am always wanting to loosen up.  This is a slow evolution for me.  I want to paint more portraits like THIS.

November 2017

And, just to demonstrate how everything ends up connecting, somehow, eventually for me.  Here is an image from a poster design class I taught back in the fall of 2017.

poster design (Emily Dickinson quote)  at The Create Everyday Classroom


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