reap the benefits now

my tea bag "fortune" 

We are four days away from February and the first, ever, monthly create everyday challenge.

I think my create everyday belief system was first established when I chose to commit to the Artist's Way over 14 years ago.  At that time in my life, I was starving enough for that "something else" and was willing to commit to something that extreme in order to possibly find it.  I made a commitment to get up 30 minutes earlier than I usually did.  At that time in my life, that meant 4:30 am.  Can you believe that?  My point in sharing this, though, is that I was really ready for a shift (I had NO IDEA what kind of shift, I just wanted a shift) and I felt I had nothing to lose by entirely turning my efforts over to this one focus.  Happily, I was able to stay committed and I reaped many benefits: some tangible, some not-so-much, some benefits were long term, some not so much.  Most importantly, however, I had committed to and completed SOMETHING, something other than the day-to-day responsibilities that had worn me down over the course of many years.  I can't explain how good this felt.  Surprisingly, when I "finished" 12 weeks later, I felt cared for and nurtured.  Something WAS happening...

Today, I continue similar daily practices.  They create a framework for my work and more importantly, my life.  Sometimes these practices are just 10 minutes in length and I have found this is enough.  I have learned over the years that it is not the intensity of the commitment nor does it have to be elaborate at all.  I have found that a simple, daily commitment that I follow or create is all I need to jump start those inward and outward shifts we all are looking for and hoping for.

I challenge you to give this upcoming commitment a try.  It's a 20 day commitment.  If you are seeking a shift in your life: a subtle one or a larger, more significant one, I urge you to give this a try.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  With this commitment, you can watch your life unfold.  It's 10 minutes out of your day.  That's really only 3.5 hours within the month.  Commit and experience the ripple effect now.

We hope you'll join us and come on along...
Happy Monday Everyone!


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