good-bye OCTOBER

26:31, a final favorite from the October Project

In an earlier blog post, I set 5 goals for October.  
Here is a re-cap.

1. I DID go through my closet.  I washed and bagged up a lot of clothes for donation.  I also incorporated a new system of organization that is working so much better

2. I completed 29/31 days of my October Project

3. Our garage is still full.  We DID NOT have a garage sale on October 20.  The garage is going to need to be tackled soon.

4. My online class went well.  It was fun, interactive and inspiring for me.  20 people enrolled.  Another session will begin November 5.  Check out more details here.

5. As I mentioned, keeping the dining room table cleared of daily clutter WAS the biggest task.  I cannot say it stayed clear even half of October but I can say, I was much more conscious of it and made efforts to clear when I could.

Here's to progress NOT perfection.

There are a few OTHER significant, unexpected accomplishments that happened in this month.

My brand new, spankin' website went live last weekend.  Thank you Heather L Murphy art and design!

I spent an entire day, re-creating our upstairs living space.  

I have been SO excited to begin my sketchbook project TODAY.

Happy November 1, Everyone.


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