floor flurry

flurry, 12 X 12, acrylic and india ink on paper

So I said "when" yesterday and then I woke up this morning
and got ready to get into the studio. At first, I felt a little
of the same (as yesterday afternoon) but knowing
my prime time is always in the early morning,
I thought I'd give it a shot and...

This morning was a flurry!
I finished four paintings this morning.
It isn't the number of paintings that I finished that is
evident that some spark has returned, it's my process while painting.
This is difficult to describe but it involves a flurry of paint
with brush, sometimes with finger tips
(which is why I thought it necessary to give up oils)
quick swooshes of the brush, dashes, dripping of paint,
writing with a tube, working at the easel,
turning the painting around, working upside down,
working on the floor, etc.
It's as though everything else
disappears (most importantly, my inner critic)
and I am completely in the moment.

This is my favorite piece from today.


  1. Nice work. Really like reading about your process. It's messy, free, fun. There's something about a dash, a few lines of India ink mixed with paint. Thanks for sharing!


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