mixed bag

6 X 6 mixed media on paper

so this is a tree house.  can't you tell?  I was walking through the seward neighborhood with my sister and our dogs in late October (Minneapolis is just drop dead gorgeous in the fall...) and I noticed this tree house made out of scraps.  I really wanted to re create that tree house and this is what I did.  funny thing is I created it while the comcast repair person was working on the wireless system in my studio.  he kept saying, "Do you have a minute?", "Do you have a minute?"  when he needed me for something.
This was one of the pieces I shared with my art group last night (L7).  Which, by the way, I adore.  I made a commitment with them to start free associative writing around my photos because I want to extend them in similar ways (as I have here).  I think it's also important to say that I had a very upsetting day at school today.  when I came home there was a treat waiting for me: a check from a gallery.  now, it wasn't the dollar amount that shifted my mood.  what shifted my mood was the reminder that I am an artist and that 99% of the time, my experiences with art, in art, through art are beautiful and harmonious.  I am truly grateful...


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