Manifesto On Never Giving Up

 Quotes I've taken away from this book (that I want to easily reference at any given time):

"...but I knew, even then, that I wanted to protect my creative freedom."

"Perhaps the reason I kept going over the decades as (an artist) is because I have an aptitude and indeed, hunger, for the interiority and introspectiveness (being an artist) requires."

"...the only person I need (to paint) like (is) myself."

"Nobody encouraged us to 'think big' and make our dreams come true."

"Once I found my groove as (an artist) my ethic became formidable."

"I love my work and do not feel as though I am missing out."

"Combating struggle and disappointment early on in life can instill strength and a determination we would not otherwise possess."

"It's the same with the arts, you need the early knock backs to develop the resilience that make you unstoppable."

"...and, though, nobody wants to struggle, it's the only way we build resilience."

"The most important lesson learned was to cultivate the art of positive self talk in the battle against self doubt."

(Affirmations are) "a statement that 'it' has actually happened

- I will add here: as Shakti Gawain says, "To Affirm means to 'make firm'."

"I still use affirmations to pump me up with confidence and a commitment to making the best of everything: personal and professional."

"If you do the work and you don't get the desired result then you bounce back from the disappointment and plow on regardless, continuing to be positive."

"I will talk myself out of my disappointments as soon as they are happening so that I don't find myself on the downward spiral of self pity."

"Even now, when I approach (painting a new painting), I'll pen an affirmation declaring that it's wonderful without having (painted a single stroke)...I m expecting the best possible outcome from my creativity."

"Even when the odds were stacked against me, I have believed that somehow, someday, I'd break through."

"water finds its own level"

"It's really important to keep your dreams to yourself, because once you move into 'vision territory', plenty of people will impose their limitations on you."

"I knew if I put my energy into... < this is me, here - basically, fill in the blank, here, with ANY creative endeavor> ...I would, at least, get some return where as if I did nothing, nothing would happen."

"I worked very hard to sustain my PMA when it didn't happen for me."

"Comparisons are self destructive so I worked hard at focusing on my own, singular trajectory."

Manifesto On Never Giving Up by Bernardine Evaristo


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